Exploring STEM Subjects with Your Child

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Exploring STEM Subjects with Your Child

STEM subjects are all around us, and it teaches a lot about our world. To explore the world of STEM with your own child further, here are some ways to explore from this primary school in Bristol.


Give your child the chance to explore

Exploring the world around you is one of the best ways to see how your child relates to the world around them. A lot of what we see in the great outdoors is a part of STEM; biodiversity (animals and the world of plants) relates to science, machines and cars relate to engineering, our phones and other devices are a part of technology, and all of those combined require maths skills. Allow your child to feel open to all of these possibilities, and raise their awareness of how STEM subjects shape our livelihoods.


Try out a lot of practical activities

These can include baking a cake together and mixing the ingredients together, making little experiments in the garden, or working on planting new things in your bed of flowers. These things all incorporate an element of STEM subjects within them, and it teaches your child about how many things they interact with on a daily basis rely on STEM. Have a range of practical activities like these to explore with your child and show them what involves science, or technology, engineering or maths to work well.


Take your child on day trips

A lot of activity centres and places like a wildlife centre or a zoo will show your child a number of different ways to explore science and technology. A trip to an aircraft museum for example can show your child the technology and engineering required from the past. A zoo would let your child discover the number of animals there are on earth, and how they live together in groups and families.


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